5050 Hodgson Rd #1126 Shoreview, MN 55126 M-F 7:30 AM - 5:00PM (320) 279-9548

North Oaks Montessori Preschool Contract 

First, Middle, Last 
First, Last 


Tuition is based on a 4 week month, and is $350.00 per week payable on the first of each month.

We use Quickbooks to manage tuition accounts. Invoices are emailed prior to the due date, which is the 1st of each month. A link is provided on the invoice to pay using a linked bank account. Credit and Debit cards are not accepted. 

** A $5.00 per day fee will be assessed for payments not received on the 1st.

** There is no reduction or refund in tuition for days off (i.e. sick days, vacations, weather, COVID-19 related closings, or other school days off). 


No children will be left alone in the hallway at any time. We ask that you please quietly walk your child to the classroom and say a quick goodbye so the teacher can get them settled in and welcome others that may have shown up at the same time. 

Please note your approximate drop-off and pick-up times so we can staff accordingly:

** Pick-up time is recorded when the child and accompanying addult are leaving together.

We understand that emergencies arise. We also understand that traffic can be challenging or hectic, but we do expect that children will be picked up on time. We are staffed according to pre-planned schedules. Late pick-ups stress the child, interrupt routines, and affect our staff's valuable prep time, break time, or commitments outside of school. 

Late fees of $1 per minute (plus $25 if after 5:00 PM) will be assesed and added to the next invoice. 


Children bring their own lunches to school (milk is provided) in a lunch box or bag labeled with the first initial and last name. All lunches must meet DHS nutritional standards including proper portions of grains, protein, fruit and vegetables. Fresh is best. Children need to bite, crunch and chew fresh fruits and veggies. Pouches of pureed produce are not recommended. We do not serve juice or foods high in sugar. Lunches can be refrigerated but we are not licensed to heat food for the children. An ice pack and/or thermos can work well. Resealable individual containers work best for all foods as the child will bring home any food not consumed. 

Morning and afternoon snacks ( 2 food groups or more) are provided. 


We offer several Field Trips and Special Events throughout the year. There are additional fees for these events. If you are not able to afford the field trip fee, let us know ahead of time and we will do our best to cover the fees. 



In the event your child becomes ill at school (see Regarding Illness in Parent Info), we will call and / or text both parents. Children who are ill need to be picked up within the hour. If we do not hear back from a parent within 10 minutes of the initial call, we will contact one of the alternates listed on the Emergency Form. 


This contract can be canceled at any time. If the school requests the cancellation, a pro-rated refund will be issued. If the contract is cancelled by a parent, 30-day notice is required. 

By clicking the above button, I consent to be contacted by North Oaks Montessori and Webit, Inc. at any email address or telephone number I provide, including, without limitation, communications sent via text message to my cell phone or communications sent using an autodialer or prerecorded message. This acknowledgement constitutes my written consent to receive such communications. I agree and consent to any applicable Terms and Conditions of Use or Privacy Policy available on this website.

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